The courage to grow

Watching my six-year-old grow, learn and experience new things is such an inspiration but also quite intimidating. She seems to have no fear of failure and welcomes change because it means new experiences and new learning.
The opportunity of movement versus the opportunity of health

How will you connect with the fitness industry this year; through movement or health?
Opportunity of Change

“Coaching with compassion targets positive emotional attractors in the brain and the session becomes about hope for the future, possibilities, dreams, optimism for the future, a sense of joy and physiological arousal of the parasympathetic nervous system.”
The positivity of coaching

A recurring theme in the presentations at the congress was that the major barrier to the success of corporate health programs was participant engagement, so our presentation – looking at ways to better engage participants – was well received.
Staying on track when our motivation fades

In my blogs I often talk of finding our reason for change. Last week, I was challenged by a participant in one my seminars who asked that after finding our reason how do we use it to help us continue to strive for our goals when our motivation fades?
Blueprint for behaviour change in practice

In previous posts I have looked at finding your reason for change and spent time on what this means. Once we have our reason how do we act upon it?
We are emotional beings

“Today I am going to beat the me of yesterday” – Gary Bertwistle
Your plan for life!

We have all been down the planning road to change:
Has the plan worked? How will this time be different?
The perfect plan

How much time does it take per week for the perfect plan to improve our health and fitness and how do people stick with it once they have it?
Find your reason for change!

What is the biggest mistake people make in relation to their health and wellbeing?